Getting Started

Applicable for Boys and Girls, Ages 4-17

1. Learn to Skate 

Great for those who have never skated before or need to fine tune their skillset. We recommend to start with Basic 1, then get a recommendation from your coach on your next steps. Learn to Skate offers courses called "Hockey 1-4" which incorporate skating with a stick. Check with Spirit Ice Arena and sign up for classes.

2 . Learn to Play

Register for a Learn to Play session that interests you. A current USA Hockey number and full hockey gear is required to participate in the Learn to Play program. BVHC does have a limited number of rentals available on a first come, first serve basis. Contact the Hockey Director if interested.

Also, Dallas Stars Learn to Play is another option. For a nominal fee, that program offers 6 hours of ice time and new full gear that the athlete gets to keep.

USA Hockey sponsors two Try Hockey for Free events a year. These typically occur in November and February, each one hour long sessions. Full gear is not required; however wearing a bike helmet and warm clothing including gloves is highly encouraged. This is an opportunity to explore the sport without making any formal commitment. 

3. Additional Opportunities

Public Skate Sessions- Spirit Ice Arena has many Public Skate sessions throughout the week. This is a great opportunity to refine one's skating abilities. Inquire with the rink regarding bundle package deals.

Stick and Puck Sessions- Full gear is required. Spirit Ice Arena has several Stick and Puck sessions throughout the week. Here is your chance to work on stick handling and shooting. Inquire with the rink regarding bundle package deals.

4. Recreational Programs

Early Summer is when registration typically opens up for the Fall/Winter Season. This includes inner house practices, 3 on 3 games, and Houston House League. The season starts in mid-August and ends in early March.

Camps and Clinic are offered during the Spring and Summer.

Spots are typically limited so sign up to secure your spot when registration opens. A great way to be one of the first to know is to follow us on social media.

Refer to BVHC website for more information.